3600 Montlake Ownership History
Compiled by Mark and Cathy Hill, 2005
Sue Johnson Chapman 3/31/1920 – 10/31/1947
Mrs. Chapman was the widow of D. C. Chapman. Tract 1 of the Maloney Heights land was deeded from R. G. Jones. DB 373, page 63. There is a reference also to DB 643, page 245 and page 249. Tract 2 was deeded from John F. Shea & wife to Charles H. Harvey, DB 312- page 114.
Maloney Heights, lnc. 10/31/1947 - 9/17/1948
Maloney Heights, lnc. acquired two large tracts for the subdivision from Sue Johnson Chapman, the widow of D.C. Chapman. The corporation paid $25,000 for the land deeded on October 31, 1947, recorded DB 761, page 496. The covenants were recorded in DB 775, page 485. Some of the covenants included single home dwellings built for no less than $6,000. No swine or cattle, but up to two horses could be kept. No non-Caucasians were allowed to live on the properties unless they were servants. D. W. Barber was president of the corporation, and Lindsay Young notarized the documents. There is an amendment (to the covenants?) recorded on WB 1438, page 159. Montlake Drive was known as Jones Road, which was previously called Heir Road.
(Check DB 788, page 532.')
Robert M. Boarts and Margaret K. Boarts 9/17/1948 – 12/29/1952
The land was conveyed to the Boarts by Maloney Heights, lnc. WD 792, page 159. Restrictions by Maloney Heights, lnc. were recorded on 3/25/1948. WD 775, page 485.
William Way, Jr. and Dayis D. Way 12/29/1952 – 1/2/1962
Mr. and Mrs. Way purchased the property from Robert M. Boarts and Margaret K. Boarts on December 29, 1952. Knox County Records are in the Reverse General lndex for 1932-1963 Wa- Page 13. WD 905, page 315. Rel28, page 235 (1/28/1953). They paid the Boarts $2,500 cash and $700 balance to be paid by February 1, 1953 (with no interest). The land was surveyed on 12/9/1952 by W. E. Lack, Engineer. The address was Jones Road until 1954, when the street name was changed to Mont Lake Drive.
William Way was a professor at UT, who came here in 1946. His education was at the University of North Carolina, and the University of Pennsylvania. He founded the Department of Transportation at the University in 1948. He died at the age of 49 of a heart attack in the home at 6:30 Sunday, March 18, 1956. The night before, he had been honored by his students and former students at a surprise party at the Farragut Hotel.
His will, written on 8/12/1941, left everything unconditionally to his wife Dayis, contrary to the popular belief that she would lose everything if she remarried. The will was written in Macon County, North Carolina, witnessed by H. C. Alexander, Jr., George M. Pierce, and Ruth C. Alexander. lt was probated in Knox County on 4/3/1956, Minute Book 51, page 236.
From the obituaries, Mark was able to track down children of the Ways. Wlliam Way had two sons, Day Way had a son and a daughter from her first marriage. The daughter is deceased, but the son, Tony Chambers, lives in North Carolina and works in real estate. Work # 828-526-3717, Home 828-526-2827 .
From the obituaries, Mark was able to track down children of the Ways. Wlliam Way had two sons, Day Way had a son and a daughter from her first marriage. The daughter is deceased, but the son, Tony Chambers, lives in North Carolina and works in real estate. Work # 828-526-3717, Home 828-526-2827 .
Photos (below) of the Way House in the 1950s
The Ways were listed first on Mont Lake Drive in the City Directory of 1956. The house was finished in 1955. The architect was Herbert Millkey of Atlanta, a prominent modernist architect who designed mostly commercial buildings. He also designed buildings for the Catholic Church in Athens, GA. He did very few residences, mostly for friends. Day Way was one of his friends. Mark spoke to his son, Herbert Millkey, Jr. in July 2004. His father loved St. Joseph brick from St. Joseph, Missouri. The bricks are made of river mud, and he liked to just wax them to bring out the colors.
The only other Ways listed were Nathan and Hazel Way of Fountain City. He was an engineer at TVA. Any relation?
William Way had two sons by a previous marriage, William lll and Peter. Dayis had a son and daughter by a previous marriage. Tony Chambers, the son, is still living. On 7/6/04 Mark left a message for Tony, and spoke with Peter, who knew very little about the house.
Bruce B. Bellomy and Eleanor Bellomy 1/2/1962 – 5/24/1977
Dayis D. Way sold the property to the Bellomys on 11/2/1962. WD Book 1193, page 429. Dayis D. Way certified that the property passed to her ftom William Way, Jr. DEC, Grantor, WB 1612, page 651. lD 197706140012892. Recorded on 6/14/1977.
Eleanor Bellomy came over to the house with Rachel on 7/2/04. They told us quite a bit about the house as they knew it. The covered porch by the kitchen was the laundry room, which covered the whole footprint. There was no outside exit to the screen porch at that time. The brick floor was made of St. Joe Brick, from St. Joseph, Missouri, and the brick is made from river mud. The Bellomys used the same brick in their house on Maloney. The window in the laundry room (formerly a study) was much larger, and there was a window to the master bath that faced the Montlake Drive side. Downstairs there was a very tiny half bath where Robert's reading room was, and a larger window, so that space was larger and brighter then. The space where the HVAC equipment is was completely open.
Frederick W. Witt and Mae R. Witt 5/24/1977 - 1978?
The Witts purchased the property from the Bellomys. WB 1612, page &19. lD #197706140012891
Richard M. Freeman and Joanne Freeman 1978 - 4/18/1995
The Freemans bought the house from the Witts, They did extensive remodeling in 1979, and added the pool. A document was recorded on 3/13/1992 regarding property of Timberlake Homeowners, lnc. #199203130032305.
Gill C. Evans and Melinda B. Maddox 411811995 – 2000
WD 2173-page 235. lD 199504180030341
Michael C. Boyd and Gregory K. Wass 2000 – 4/4/2003
Gregory Wass died at the home in 2001 (?).
Catherine Campbell Hill and Mark L. Hill 4/4/2003 -